Friday, March 11, 2011

True Christianity is about living a life of love.

The Truth – in plain language, word for word.

Luke 8:17 "For everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light and made plain to all." "So be sure to pay attention to what you hear." "To those who are open to my teachings more understanding will be given." "But to those who are not listening, even what they think they have will be taken away from them."
Most Christians today remain “hungry” because the bread they’ve  been given has no life in it, it’s being picked clean by the vultures and only a dry carcass is left (Matt 24:28).

False prophets and false spiritual leaders have
seduced many with delusions, deceit and falsehood thereby gaining great earthly treasures, riches, power and respect.

Those that seeking truth looking in from the outside (non Christians) see only confusion and chaos, their questions stay unanswered  because of unconvinced confused answers.


1. By what law will we be judged? The law of love, according our deeds     of love. (James 2:12) (Matt 18:27)

2. What law will set you free? The law of love. (James 2:12)

3. What law satisfies all Gods requirements? Love your neighbor. (Rom 13:8)

4. What path do we have to follow to recieve etetnal life. Love your neighbor. (Luke 10:25)

5. On  judgement day who will be the "sheep"  Those that followed the path of unselfish deeds of love. (Matt 25)

6. On  judgement day who will be the "goats"  Those that never followed the path of unselfish deeds of love. (Matt 25)

7. Hope faith and love which  one is the greatest? Love  (1Cor 13)

8. When will God's mercy win out over His Judgement? Only if you are mercifull towards other.  (James 2:13)

9. What do we have to do it we want to please God? Practice unselfish deeds of love towards others.  (1 John 3)

10. The two most important commandments? Love your Lord God, love you neighbor. ( Matt 22:37)

11. Only one lind of person hear Gods word and steadily produces a huge havest? Only the honest goodhearted person.  (Luke 8:15)

 Do a kindergardener receive his 12th grade graduation certificate apon enrolling in elementary school,

or a student his diploma or degree  even  the same day beginning college or university. Of course not !!

Why then I ask......, 
are you under the impression that you've reached your end goal the day you receive Jesus as you Lord and savior.

Is it not written "the way is narrow work hard to get in" or a student who works hard will become like the teacher (Jesus), You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

The warning is this...., keep listening to blind leading the blind, quoting the misinterpreted words of Paul and you will be destroyed in the coming battle.

And the advice is this.... keep seeking the truth, listen to the teachings of Jesus about love with new ears, and start practicing obedience.----Sad roG

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