Word of God: "neighbourly love"

B.D. 4868


Neighbourly love....

What you do to the least of My brothers, you do unto Me, and thereby you demonstrate your love for Me and for your neighbour.

For a deed of neighbourly love also testifies to your love for Me and will enrich you far more than you have given up. And who is your neighbour? Every needy human being who approaches you with a request for help is your neighbour, regardless of whether he voices it or whether it remains unspoken.

For you will recognise yourselves when your help is needed and appropriate as soon as the spark of love in you flares up and you are affected by your fellow human being’s adversity.

Yet you can live in abundance and accomplish a deed of neighbourly love without sacrificing anything, but it will not be regarded as such if you lack love, if you help in order to dispose of an irritating petitioner or to shine before your fellow human beings.

So many motives can prompt a person to render help, yet I only value a deed of merciful neighbourly love impelled by your heart.

And you will experience the fact that, when love grows cold in people’s hearts, help for other people will only occur due to organisation and deeds of love will effectively become routine, which certainly can alleviate people’s adversity but which cannot be classed as deeds of neighbourly love, as the fulfilment of My commandment of love, and which therefore cannot have any redeeming effect either.

The right hand should not know what the left hand is doing.... it should be a quiet giving; yet material gifts alone cannot be described as deeds of neighbourly love.

Every other help, every kind look and every caring word can be valued as a deed of love if it comes from the heart. People’s spiritual and psychological adversity is often even greater than their earthly adversity, there you should actively help by giving encouragement and comfort in suffering, by lifting people up spiritually, by conveying My Word and leading them back to faith, where it is necessary.

All this is part of the commandment of neighbourly love, and I only expect a soft and compassionate heart for you to be able to fulfil My commandment of love for Me and your neighbour and also awaken love in your neighbour’s heart, who thereby can be guided on the right path and you will have acquired a double reward.

However, you should not help for the sake of reward but only for love of Me, then all your deeds will be blessed…. Amen

Good article about love and good deeds from Matthew:

Dear ones, nothing to do with light is “just”—or merely or simply or only! Light—the same energy as love and the most powerful force in the cosmos—is not only exactly what is needed to make a difference, it is ALL that is needed! Light-love is the key to attaining peace, harmony and justness in your world! It is the key to a joyful, fulfilling life, to growing spiritually and consciously, to bringing about all the other marvels of the Golden Age!

Each of you does make a difference! Each of you is a way-shower!

Many of you volunteer in community efforts that help the hungry and homeless or rescue animals or shelter abused children and adults, for example. You participate in or donate to organizations that provide numerous kinds of aid to refugees and other needy people; or are working to preserve the rain forests, save animals in the sea and on land, or clean up industrial waste.

You sign petitions for a variety of worthy causes or attend rallies to demonstrate the need for reforms or participate in meditation services that focus on peace.

In your respective fields of endeavor and activities that bring about betterment in your world, you are acting upon conscience, inspiration and motivation.

Those are messages from your soul, and all efforts originating at that level generate a profusion of light. The same is true of gestures that you consider “just” friendly, neighborly or extending a helping hand—other things you do naturally without giving any thought at all to light.

For instance, maybe you cook meals for a grieving family or watch older children so the mother with an infant can rest. Warmly greet new neighbors, take flowers to someone who is sick, give a good home to an animal in need, help a friend or family member who has come upon hard times. You may embrace someone who is crying, lend a tool, provide a ride, soothe a frightened child, spend a few hours with a person who needs supervision to give the family caretakers a respite or diligently care for plants in pots or gardens and smile as you thank the weary-looking cashier.

And you pray for those who are encountering difficulties—never underestimate the power of prayer for one’s highest good!

Those are but a few examples of heartfelt deeds, and living from the heart generates light far, far beyond your imagining! Each act of kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion and understanding creates light within the “giver” as it radiates light to the “receiver,” who absorbs that light and generates more in feelings of thankfulness.

 This new abundance of light extends outward to all others whose lives the giving and receiving persons touch, and all of those individuals similarly affect others. The ripple effects of one kind gesture are incalculable!
http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew15-08-13.html (whole article)

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