We start with the following verse which is true but also grossly misunderstood and why most people don't understand where we go after death.
.~~John 6:63 “It is the spirit who gives eternal life, human effort accomplish nothing”, that is what I meant when I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father brings them to me.”
The false presumption many Christians have, because of this verse is, they are chosen by God, the holy spirit reforms the heart and nothing they themselves do , word or deed will bring them closer to God and heaven.
We will then also find many verses that contradicts this. Here is only three:
Luke 13:24 “The door to the Kingdom is narrow, work hard to get in.”
Acts 14:22 “Continue in faith you can only enter the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.”
Luke 3:8 “Prove by the way you live that you turned from your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say, we’re safe- we’re (Christians) that proves nothing”
If the Holy Spirit override our free will, we will become nothing but machines without any independence.
The Holy Spirit can only guides us into truth and Jesus gives us strength to overcome difficult experiences in our life to become a better person.
We as humans with a free will ,can only change , when love becomes alive within, taking hold of the will, driving the whole self into action, and such we develop kindness, goodness, compassion, patience , gentleness and self-control within us. As Jesus explained to us.
This is the key to spiritual wisdom. And spiritual growth.
Why then did Jesus said this. It is the spirit who gives eternal life, human effort accomplish nothing?
Very few understand that ,eternal life (Kingdom of God) and where most go after death are two different places. ~~~~In my Father's house are many mansions”. John 14:2. Many levels .....Many places......Many dimensions .
This is the reason why most that experience a Nde find themselves in a paradise like place where pure love embraces them.
The Earth is a school and exists in the 3rd dimension.
Where most go to rest after the spirit and body separate is in the 4th dimension.
God's Kingdom and upwards (eternal life) is from the 5th -13th dimension.
1st and second dimension can be seen as the hellish dimensions or call it purgatory if you want.
First to enter into the Kingdom of God from the 5th dimension) you have to be :
Perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew5:48
"You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate”. Luke 6:36
"You must be Holy as God is Holy” 1Peter 1:16
"You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ. Ephesians 4:13
.~~You can enter God’s kingdom/eternal life (5th dimension upwards) only through the narrow gate, the gateway to everlasting life is small and the road is narrow, only a few will ever find it.( Matt 7:13)
, if you are spiritually developed into a perfect human being with full compassion, and humility , this can only be accomplishes through the Holy Spirit. ~~If you reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity the Holy Spirit will draw you and lead you on a difficult path (narrow way) through the fire of God into perfection.
For only God knows who's heart is ready to be drawn into perfection through extreme trials and tribulations. Only a consciousness with a certain amount of love=light within the heart qualifies to be drawn by the Spirit and such a person will need the strength of God to walk the narrow way as you will be purified trough the fire to be cleansed into perfection by the Holy Spirit, to be able to enter into God's Kingdom.
This is also why Jesus said I am the way the truth the life and nobody gets to the Father but by me, and you will only see the Kingdom of God when you are reborn.
~~You have to understand Earth is a 3rd dimensional planet, a school, here we as "prodigal sons" have to learn to love, to forgive, not to discriminate between races or anyone who's different, learn to respect also the animals, and our mother earth. We learn to become perfect again. This takes many lifetimes, it is impossible for a human to become perfect in just one lifetime.
As we leave the body from the 3rd dimension (earth) most will go unto the 4th dimension for rest and review of ones life's to plan a next incarnation, with your spirit guides. As we still have karma to pay off or where we need to better our self, as our strength is determent by how we use bad experiences to better ourselves . In this dimension the 4th we have freedom and living arrangements accordance with our spiritual growth.
One can also develop spiritually in the 4th dimension in various ways, but much slower than on earth.
The harmful, violent, animalistic, controlling , spirits will most definitely find themselves in a hell with others, as like attacks like .(2nd or 1st dimension depending) Also many will stay close to earth, in a dream state for various reasons, not realizing they left the body. In all these cases the spirits can remain in this painful state FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS until they develop the conscience enough to be taken to a higher level to continue the path of development. Every thing God created moves either up or down nothing stays stagnated forever.
Many will still not understand that If Jesus died for our sins, then why this long process before and if we reach His Kingdom. The answer is simple, the sins mentioned in the bible Jesus died for are the "original sin" now I am not talking about Adam and Eve, but why we are called" prodigal sons" who squandered our inherit ins, we draw away from God and became separated from him. If you break Earthly laws you will be punished such is also applied in the universe.
Earth can also be called a prison planet but more we can now understand the deep love God has for His creations to give us the opportunity to reunited with the Father again and those who succeed be called sons of God. Many on earth already made it to a higher dimension but out of love for their brothers and sisters left behind they came back to teach them love as Jesus did, through words and deeds.
~~Psalm 24
Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place? (Kingdom of God)
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols (live in total obedience to God)
and never tell lies.
They will receive the Lord’s blessing
and have a right relationship with God their savior
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