Many goodhearted non Christians have a higher degree of spiritual maturity than some calling themselves Christians, Those that say they live in God should live their lives as Christ did. 1 John 2:6. Although the good hearted non Christians won’t be part of the “few” entering into God’s Kingdom, the truth is most Christians won’t either. You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate, the gateway to everlasting life is small and the road narrow, only a few will ever find it.  Matt 7:13
Where you go depends on your spiritual maturity. Those “few” entering God’s kingdom will be perfect even as God is perfect. “But you are to be perfect, even as  your
Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew5:48.
They will be compassionate as God is compassionate. You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate”. Luke 6:36
You must be Holy as God is Holy 1Peter 1:16
They will measure up to the full and complete standards of God.
You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ. Ephesians 4:13

The many “mansions” Jesus spoke of, In my Father's house are many mansions” John 14:2  are the “places” or “levels” where everybody else goes, corresponding with their spiritual growth (light) or maturity. The lower the spiritual maturity, or light left in the spirit, the lower it will decent in the darkness, the lower the decent, the more agony for the spirit. The more light the more maturity, the higher the perfection of the spirit the higher degree of happiness and activity in heaven and so on. So it will happen that “the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored” Luke 14:11

A goodhearted person will never be lost; the “good news” is brought by “God’s workers” even to those who just left their earthly bodies behind. It is by the measure of their spiritual maturity they will recognize the truth or not. Spiritual maturity is measured by your degree of humility and love for others, what is in your heart, what is in your mind? God said: “I am he who searches hearts and minds and repay each of you according to your deeds.” Rev 2:23     

These facts are not clearly stated in the bible, it is shown to the ones taught by the Holy Spirit, When the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas, he will be telling you about the future.1John 16:13.  What was hidden before is brought to light now .Anyone who is willing to hear should listen and understand, be sure to pay attention to what you hear.””The more you do this the more you understand and even more besides.Mark 23:24. 
Our time is almost up, those with enough humility and love in their hearts for others, will understand what the Holy Spirit teaches but the ones with the “itching ear” doctrines, where you confess to be a Christian but live the “good” selfish, self-centered life, will not understand or recognize the truth. Jesus said:O, Father Lord of heaven and earth, thank  you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever and for revealing it to the childlike (the meek), yes Father it pleases you to do it this way. Luke 10:21.   Solid food is good for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognise the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right.Stop listening to those who turned their back on the truth (blind leading the blind).Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to the corrupt. They claim to know God but deny him by the way they live Titus 1:14
1) God seek the hearts and minds of us humans, when he finds a heart with a degree of humility and love for others he starts knocking on the hearts door. “I
Am he who searches hearts and minds and repay each of you according to your deeds.” Rev 2:23

2 Cor 9:2 “God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

2) When you open up, (invite Jesus into your life through prayer) he enters (Holy Spirit) your heart and your life.
3) Through obedience towards God’s word, especially the commandment that fulfill all of god’s requirements, “love your neighbor as yourselves” you will grow spiritually. “Live a life filled with love, follow the example of Christ”. Ephesians 5:2
1 Peter 4:8 “Love does no wrong to anyone, love satisfies all God’s requirements”
 4) Your spiritual maturity grows or wanes according your actions towards others. (What you say and do to others. “Wake up strengthens what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of God” Rev: 3:2

Mark 6:15 “You are defiled by what you say and do, and make you unacceptable to God”

5) Your spiritual maturity grows or wanes according to your forgiveness towards those who wronged you. “If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14

6) Pain and suffering test and trials breeds’ endurance, meekness and humility, or anger and bitterness. Your spiritual growth thrives in humility and compassion and suffers in anger and bitterness. “Patiently endure through suffering, and then you continue to do God’s will and you’ll receive all that he promised you.” Hebrews 10:36

James 1:20 “Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight”

7) When you stand in Judgment towards others it indicates low spiritual maturity, as a tree you will be known by your fruits. “The way you identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that they produce” Matt 6:15

Luke 6:15 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged do not condemn others, or it will all come back to you.”

8) Jesus said “in my Father’s house are many mansions” many places, many levels” where you go after death of your earthy body depends on your spiritual maturity, only those that attain spiritual perfection will enter into God’s Kingdom.” In my Father's house are many mansions”. John 14:2

9) The amount of (light) spiritual maturity you reached at the end of your life is what you will enter with, into the spirit Kingdom.
10) Where you go in the spiritual Kingdom when your spirit/soul leaves your earthly body corresponds with your (light) spiritual maturity.

11) Only the “few” that attained perfection of their spirit/soul with the help of the Holy Spirit will enter into the Kingdom of God (dwelling place of God and other saints) with ever lasting life. “You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ”. Ephesians 4:13
1 John 4:12
“God is love and all who live in love live in God, and God live in them”. “And as we live in God our love grows more perfect”.
2 Peter 1:10
“Work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. “Then God will give you a grand entrance into his eternal kingdom”.

12) Only through the Holy Spirit can you accomplish perfection, only through  Jesus can you enter the Holy mountain, the dwelling place of God, the Kingdom of God, the Holy spirit take hold of the meek  heart, and leads it to perfection. "Jesus told him, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6

 John 6:63 “It is the spirit who gives eternal life, human effort accomplish nothing”, that is what I meant when I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father brings them to me.”

13) The path toward perfection is narrow and difficult, you will take up your cross daily, with many test and trails to strengthen your faith, God’s fire will burn you clean, you will come out like gold afterwards.
Luke 13:24 “The door to the Kingdom is narrow, work hard to get in.”
Acts 14:22 “Continue in faith you can only enter the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.”
Luke 9:23 “If you want to be my follower, shoulder your cross daily.”
1Peter 7  “Faith will be tested by trails, faith will be tested by fire and purified as gold.”

14)You can’t come to God (his kingdom on the narrow road) unless the heavenly Father draws you towards the Son Jesus Christ, God will draw you only if you reached a high spiritual maturity, because your spirit have to be strong to walk the narrow way, with the Holy Spirit to perfection. “People can’t come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me.” “They will be taught by God.” John 6:44

13) Where others go after the death of their earthly body, has nothing to do with anybody but God, we are not to Judge or condemn anybody, only God is all knowing and only God knows what’s going on in our hearts and minds, only God can righty Judge among us. “If you are criticizing and condemning each other, then you are criticizing and condemning God’s law”. “But you are not a Judge who can decide if God’s law is right or wrong, your job is to obey, its God alone who made the law, can rightly judge among us”. James 4:11

 14) The “good news” is also given to a spirit after they left their earthly bodies behind.  The acceptance or non acceptance of the “good news” depends on the amount of love (spiritual growth) God is looking for meekness, love, patients, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control, in us. A kindhearted person will never be lost in the darkness. “The good soil represents the honest good-hearted person who hear God’s message cling to it and steadily produce a huge harvest.” Luke 8:15

15) Many non Christians has a higher degree of spiritual maturity than those calling themselves Christian, although they won’t be part of the “few” entering into God’s Kingdom. Most Christians won’t either. Where you go depends on your spiritual maturity. “Prove by the way you live that you turned from your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say, we’re safe- we’re (Christians) that proves nothing” Luke 3:8 “The thorny ground represent those who hear and except God’s message but all to soon is crowded out by the cares, riches and pleasures of this world.”And so they never grow into maturity.”

16) Who are the ones, entering the Kingdom of God, standing in God’s presents with everlasting life?

They are the ones with the holy pure hearts, full of compassion and love for everyone, their love has being perfected(with the help of the Holy Spirit), they live in total obedience towards God, they forgive instead of crying vengeance, they rather serve than judge others, they never turn their backs on those in need of help. They walked the difficult narrow road, patiently endured humiliation, pain and suffering never ending trails and testing’s, their faith burned clean by God, shining like gold. After all this, they never wavered in their love for their Heavenly Father, because they knew without his strength it would’ve being impossible to walk this narrow way, to God’s Kingdom and everlasting life. They have no fear of anything, the least of it death or dying.
“Those who despise their life in this world will keep it for eternal life” John 12:25
They don’t gossip or slander. No corruption jealousy, hypocrisy or deceit will be found in their hearts. No backstabbing, maliciousness, selfish or immoral behavior. They love their Lord God with all their heart and soul; they love their neighbor as themselves.
Matt 5:8
“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God”.
1 Peter 1:16 
“You must be holy as God is holy.”
Matthew 5:48 
“But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Luke 6:36 
“You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.”
1 Peter 1:16 
“Perfect love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear”. “If we are afraid, it is for the fair of judgement, and it shows that his love has not being perfected in us.”
Psalm 24 
 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
 Who may stand in his holy place? (Kingdom of God)

 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
 who do not worship idols (live in total obedience to God)
 and never tell lies.
 They will receive the Lord’s blessing
 and have a right relationship with God their saviour.
 Such people may seek you
 and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob

The blood of Christ opened the door to perfection.
His word is showing you the way to perfection.
His hand leads you on the way to perfection.
The Holy Spirit teaches you truth to perfection.

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