Thursday, September 4, 2014


 Only pure truth is illuminating, whereas teachings interspersed with errors will always leave gasps. What I am going to explain will fill in all the holes .

We start with the following verse which  is true but also grossly misunderstood and why most people don't understand where we go after death.
.~~John 6:63 “It is the spirit who gives eternal life, human effort accomplish nothing”, that is what I meant when I said that people can’t come to me unless the Father brings them to me.”

 The false presumption many Christians have, because of  this verse  is, they are chosen by God, the holy spirit reforms the heart and nothing they themselves do , word or deed will bring them closer to God and heaven.

We will then also find many verses that contradicts this. Here is only three:

Luke 13:24 “The door to the Kingdom is narrow, work hard to get in.”
Acts 14:22 “Continue in faith you can only enter the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.”
Luke 3:8   “Prove by the way you live that you turned from your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say, we’re safe- we’re (Christians) that proves nothing”

 If the Holy Spirit override our free will, we will become nothing but machines without any independence.
The Holy Spirit can only guides us into truth and Jesus gives us strength to overcome difficult experiences in our life to become a better person. 
We as humans with a free will  ,can only change , when  love becomes alive within, taking hold of the will, driving the whole self into action, and such we develop kindness, goodness, compassion, patience , gentleness and self-control within us. As Jesus explained to us.

This is the key to spiritual wisdom. And spiritual growth.

Why then did Jesus said this. It is the spirit who gives eternal life, human effort accomplish nothing?

 Very few understand that ,eternal life (Kingdom of God) and where most go after death are two different places. ~~~~In my Father's house are many mansions”. John 14:2.  Many levels .....Many places......Many dimensions .

 This is the reason why most that experience a Nde find themselves in a paradise like place where pure love embraces them. 
The Earth is a  school and exists in the 3rd dimension.
Where most  go to rest after the spirit and body separate is in the 4th dimension.
God's Kingdom and upwards (eternal life) is from the 5th -13th dimension.
1st and second dimension can be seen as the hellish dimensions or call it purgatory if you want.

 First to enter into the Kingdom of God from the  5th dimension) you have to be :

Perfect, even as  your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew5:48
"You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate”. Luke 6:36
"You must be Holy as God is Holy” 1Peter 1:16
"You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ. Ephesians 4:13 
.~~You can enter God’s kingdom/eternal life (5th dimension upwards) only through the narrow gate, the gateway to everlasting life is small and the road is narrow, only a few will ever find it.(  Matt 7:13)
, if you are  spiritually developed into a perfect human being with full compassion, and humility , this can only be accomplishes through the Holy Spirit. ~~If you reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity the Holy Spirit will draw you and lead you on a difficult path (narrow way) through the fire of God into perfection.
 For only God knows who's heart is ready to be drawn into perfection through extreme trials and tribulations. Only a  consciousness  with a certain amount of love=light within the heart qualifies to be drawn by the Spirit and such a person will need the strength of God to walk the narrow way as you will be purified trough the fire to be cleansed into perfection by the Holy Spirit, to be able to enter into God's Kingdom.

This is also why Jesus said I am the way the truth the life and nobody gets to the Father but by me, and you will only see the Kingdom of God when you are reborn.

   ~~You have to understand Earth is a 3rd dimensional planet, a school, here we as "prodigal sons" have to  learn to love, to forgive, not to discriminate between races or anyone who's different, learn to respect also the animals, and our mother earth. We learn to become perfect again. This takes many lifetimes, it is impossible for a human to become perfect in just one lifetime.  
As we leave the body from the 3rd dimension (earth) most will go unto the 4th dimension for rest and review of ones life's to plan a next incarnation, with your spirit guides. As we still  have karma to pay off or where we need to better our self, as our strength is determent by how we use bad experiences to better ourselves . In this dimension the 4th we have freedom and living arrangements accordance with our spiritual growth.

One can also develop spiritually in the 4th dimension in various ways, but much slower than on earth.

The harmful, violent, animalistic, controlling , spirits will most definitely find themselves in a  hell with others, as like attacks like .(2nd or 1st dimension depending) Also many will stay close to earth, in a dream state for various reasons, not realizing they left the body. In all these cases the spirits can remain in this painful state FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS until they develop the conscience enough to be taken to a higher level to continue the path of development. Every thing God created moves either up or down nothing stays stagnated forever.

Many will still not understand that If Jesus died for our sins, then why this long process before and if we reach His Kingdom. The answer is simple, the sins mentioned in the bible Jesus died for  are the "original sin" now I am not talking about Adam and Eve, but why we are called" prodigal sons" who squandered our inherit ins, we draw away from God and became separated from him. If you break Earthly laws you will be punished such is also applied in the universe.

 Earth can also be called a prison planet but more we can now understand the deep love  God has for His creations to give us the opportunity to reunited with the Father again  and those who succeed be called sons of God. Many on earth already made it to a higher dimension but out of love for their brothers and sisters left behind they came back to teach them love as Jesus did, through words and deeds. 

~~Psalm 24
  Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
  Who may stand in his holy place? (Kingdom of God)
 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
  who do not worship idols (live in total obedience to God)
  and never tell lies.
   They will receive the Lord’s blessing
  and have a right relationship with God their savior




Saturday, August 31, 2013


Isaiah 58 (summery)
Worship the Lord as He Wants to Be Worshiped.

1)      I give to you the truth word for word in plain language,
to tell those who call themselves God's children (church) why they are spititually
robbed and enslaved, why they are fair game for all, and no one to protect

2)  " They go to church and seems delighted to learn about my ways and commandments".
     " They act as if they were my children that has done what is right,
       you would almost think they are a righteous people, that would never
abandon it's God".
"They love to make a show of coming to me, asking to take action on there behalf".
"They want God to be near them".

3) "We have worship and fasted before you, they say, why aren't you impressed".
"We asked you for forgiveness for our sins, why don't you hear our prayers".
"I will tell you why, It's because you live only for yourself,even while you fast and worship".
"You keep right on oppressing those below you".

4) "What good does your praying do while you constantly fight and quarrel amongst yourselves,this kind of fasting and worshipping will never get you anywhere with me".

5)"You bow your head before me like a blade of grass in the wind  in external humility, you repent with only your lips
but your hearts are far away from me."
"Is this what you call worshipping, do you really think this will please the Lord".

6)"The only kind of worshipping I want from you is, take a stand for righteousness, do not oppress those who work for you, treat them fairly and give them what they earn".

7)" I want you to share your food with the hungry and reach out to the lonely, give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from your relatives who need your help" .


Afflictions and trials are means to attain perfection.... BD No. 3163

The trials and affliction imposed on a human being are rarely recognised as a means to attain highest perfection. God knows every individual person's degree of maturity, He knows their hearts, and He truly does not miss the slightest movement which speaks for or against Him.

Therefore He also knows which degree of development each human can still reach, and accordingly He will bestow suffering or strokes of fate upon the person if the possibility still exists to thereby raise the soul's maturity.

 Before its embodiment as a human being the soul knew full well what would happen to it during its life on earth, it entered its final embodiment in full agreement by hoping it would emerge from it victoriously. It beheld its pleasures as well as its sufferings on its path of life and yet did not let them frighten it from going, since, on the other hand, it also knew of God's help and His grace and foresaw the possibility to completely outgrow matter and dispose of its shell for good.

For this reason so many a soul accepts a particularly difficult earthly fate, because it also foresaw the consequences of a correctly lived earthly life and knows the final goal and deems it reachable. Yet in earthly life it loses its past awareness, and therefore it fails to make use of the opportunities and is in danger of not reaching its goal.

Therefore God provides it with help by creating opportunities on earth which enable the soul to mature fully. And then the human being will have to surmount greater opposition, as suffering and sadness are given to him on earth for which he has to appeal to God for strength in order to overcome them.

A life without battle would always keep him at the same stage of development and he would have lived his life in vain. It is not that he has to atone for his sins on earth, like it is wrongly taught, but it only matters that he moves from the abyss, in which he still finds himself, to higher spheres, that he transforms himself into a being of light, that he works at improving himself by discarding everything which still prevents him from receiving an undreamt of abundance of light.

He must effectively purify a still opaque shell through suffering and misery, he must remove every impurity from it so that the light will then be able shine through it, for this purification has to take place of a person's own will, it cannot be implemented by God without the human being's will. Suffering and love are the only means to be cleansed from all impurities, and a great extent of suffering is the expression of great divine love at the same time, which wants to help the person to become such that God can make him infinitely happy in eternity.

Sorely afflicted people on earth are therefore especially seized by His love, even though it seems incomprehensible to them. Life on earth is short compared to eternity, and one day the soul will look back with gratitude and praise on its short time on earth in which the suffering resulted in its higher maturity which it would never have attained without suffering.

 A person on earth has immeasurable blessings at his disposal so that he can endure even the worst suffering if, in heartfelt prayer draws strength from God, for He has assured him of this. He will let no-one leave Him without having strengthened him who confides his adversity to Him in firm faith so that He can and will help him.

 For the suffering is never greater than the One Who imposes it, Who has truly enough power to help people in every need. Therefore, always keep His love, wisdom and omnipotence in mind if you are burdened by severe suffering and you will feel comforted and patiently wait for His help....

Saturday, July 30, 2011


It is always the love and kindness in our hearts that enables us to see the truth, just as it was only the kind good hearted person who produced a huge havest while others fell away from believing in the truth, as told by Jesus, the story of the Farmer and scattering of the seeds. (Luke 8)

We can never truly understand the word of God through our human intellect, and the Holy spirit as our teacher (John 14:26) can never work through a haughty proud or a bitter unforgiving heart.

It is the proud who will be humbled and the humble who will inherit the earth (Luke 14:11).

The least will be the most and the most will be the least.

We are defiled by what we say and do (Mark 7:15) Whatever is in our hearts determine what we say and do, only a good tree can produce good fruit and only a good person can produce good deeds from a good heart. (Luke 6)

As we are living in the last of the "last days" the truth the true and only Gospel of Jesus Chris, the Gospel about love and forgiveness, the Gospel about helping and giving, the gospel about honesty, goodness, righteousness and meekness will be brought to light again, this is the truth , the "new Jerusalem" for it was trampled long enough by the false teachers and preachers who had only one goal in mind: to fill their churches and coffers.

Their days are numberd their time is up!!! I came to bring truth again to this world as Jesus did and all who love the truth will recognize what I say is true (John 18:37)

The truth is hidden to the proud and always revealed to the humble, the childlike (Luke 10:21)

Jesus is coming.

His bride is ready without spot or blemish, his guests will be made ready, their faith will be tested by trails." "their faith will be tested by fire and purified as gold." "If their faith remains strong after fiery trails, it will bring them much praise glory and honor on the day Jesus Christ is revealed to the world." (1 peter 7)

Blessed are you who understand and take to heart these words.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

True Christianity is about living a life of love.

True Christianity is not about what Jesus did for us, before we learn to live a life worthy of Him

.True Christianity is not about what Jesus did for us, before we learn to listen and act on His word.

True Christianity will only be about what Jesus did for us, if we learn to love and tolerate everybody else.

True Christianity will only be true if we start to live for those around us and less for ourselves.

Ephesians 4:13
You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ.

Revelation 3:2
"Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God".

1 Corinthians 13

If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

Friday, March 11, 2011

True Christianity is about living a life of love.

The Truth – in plain language, word for word.

Luke 8:17 "For everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light and made plain to all." "So be sure to pay attention to what you hear." "To those who are open to my teachings more understanding will be given." "But to those who are not listening, even what they think they have will be taken away from them."
Most Christians today remain “hungry” because the bread they’ve  been given has no life in it, it’s being picked clean by the vultures and only a dry carcass is left (Matt 24:28).

False prophets and false spiritual leaders have
seduced many with delusions, deceit and falsehood thereby gaining great earthly treasures, riches, power and respect.

Those that seeking truth looking in from the outside (non Christians) see only confusion and chaos, their questions stay unanswered  because of unconvinced confused answers.


1. By what law will we be judged? The law of love, according our deeds     of love. (James 2:12) (Matt 18:27)

2. What law will set you free? The law of love. (James 2:12)

3. What law satisfies all Gods requirements? Love your neighbor. (Rom 13:8)

4. What path do we have to follow to recieve etetnal life. Love your neighbor. (Luke 10:25)

5. On  judgement day who will be the "sheep"  Those that followed the path of unselfish deeds of love. (Matt 25)

6. On  judgement day who will be the "goats"  Those that never followed the path of unselfish deeds of love. (Matt 25)

7. Hope faith and love which  one is the greatest? Love  (1Cor 13)

8. When will God's mercy win out over His Judgement? Only if you are mercifull towards other.  (James 2:13)

9. What do we have to do it we want to please God? Practice unselfish deeds of love towards others.  (1 John 3)

10. The two most important commandments? Love your Lord God, love you neighbor. ( Matt 22:37)

11. Only one lind of person hear Gods word and steadily produces a huge havest? Only the honest goodhearted person.  (Luke 8:15)

 Do a kindergardener receive his 12th grade graduation certificate apon enrolling in elementary school,

or a student his diploma or degree  even  the same day beginning college or university. Of course not !!

Why then I ask......, 
are you under the impression that you've reached your end goal the day you receive Jesus as you Lord and savior.

Is it not written "the way is narrow work hard to get in" or a student who works hard will become like the teacher (Jesus), You are only mature if you are measuring up to the full and complete standards of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

The warning is this...., keep listening to blind leading the blind, quoting the misinterpreted words of Paul and you will be destroyed in the coming battle.

And the advice is this.... keep seeking the truth, listen to the teachings of Jesus about love with new ears, and start practicing obedience.----Sad roG

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.

From God to you:

Following Jesus.... Living a life of love....

Love between people has grown cold in the last days, and therefore they are also very distant from Me who, as Eternal
Love, can only unite with a person through love....
And this is why the spiritual adversity is so great, for to be heartless also means to be without faith, without knowledge and without strength....
What you do to the least of My brothers, you have done to Me....’ I Myself consider your love for your fellow human being as love for Me...
If all preachers preached nothing else but love.... If people were only ever encouraged to give up their selfish love and practise selfless neighbourly love ….
Truly, then they would also live in the light of realisation, they would recognise the irrelevance of earthly commodities, they would establish the right kind of relationship as of a child to its Father, for all this results in selfless, divine love….
Instead people are given misguided teachings, they are obliged to perform deeds and customs which can only be valued as external formalities and can never result into changing the state of the soul, because I only value what results in a living relationship with Me….
Love Is the Greatest 1 Corinthians 13
 1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.
3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever !
9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!

10 But when full understanding comes, these partial things will become useless.
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.
12 Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.(The time is now)
 All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely (all will be reveald in plain language word for word), just as God now knows me completely.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

 What is this love the Bible talk about?
1.) Love is peace loving.
2.) Love is gentle at all times.
3.) Love is willing to yield.
4.) Love is full of mercy and good deeds.
5.) Love shows no partiality.
6.) Love is always sincere.
7.) Love is patience and kindness.
8.) Love does not demand its own way.
9.) Love stands for what is right.
10.) Love is never glad about injustice.
11.) Love never loses faith, always hopeful.
12.) Love never gives up.
13.) Love endures through suffering.
14 ) Love persevere through pain.
15.) Love is never judgemental, always forgiving
16) Love do not slander or gossip.
17) Love pray for all enemies and friends
18) Love never take delight in the defeat of others.
19) There is no fear in perfected love. 
1 John 4:18
Perfect love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for the fear of Judgement, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us.